To international investors, investing in Canadian equities amounts to investing in banks and natural resource companies. Currently, the largest sectors on the TSX (in terms of market capitalization) are financial services (32%), energy (25%) and raw materials (18%). These three sectors account for a whopping 75% of the TSX. The performance of the TSX depends, to a large extent, on the demand for natural resources.
Here is a chart comparing Canadian equities with equity markets in Europe and the Far East (EAFE), emerging markets (EM) and the United States (USA). The data are in US dollars, include dividends and cover the period January 2002 to November 2012. Notice that each equity index tends to peak and trough around the same times but in terms of performance, emerging markets and Canada are the two big leaders.
In order to determine how well movements in Canadian stock prices can be explained by movements in other major equity markets, I fit an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. Here are the regression results.
The model fits well. Residual diagnostics (not shown) indicate serial correlation in the residuals or squared residuals is not a problem. The plot of actual values vs fitted values shows how tight the fit is. The variables are transformed to natural logarithms which helps to reduce the variability in the data. The natural logarithm transformation also means that the coefficient estimates can be interpreted as elasticities. The largest contemporaneous effect comes from emerging markets (estimated coefficient of 0.54 with a p value of < 0.01). The estimated coefficient on US equity markets is positive and statistically significant at 5% but 47% smaller than the estimated coefficient on emerging markets.
Emerging markets (EM) has the largest short-run elasticity. In the short-run, a 1% increase in EM stock prices increases Canada stock prices by 0.54%. Emerging markets also has the largest long-run elasticity. In the long-run, a 1% increase in emerging market stock prices increases Canadian stock prices by 0.76%. Long-run EAFE and USA elasticities are much smaller than the long-run EM elasticity.
The empirical model fits well and provides support for the hypothesis that Canadian stock prices are more influenced by movements in emerging market stock prices than movements in US stock prices or movements in other developed markets.
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Income Inequality in Canada
Recently, TD Bank issued a confusing report that either stated that income inequality in Canada is a problem or is not a problem.
From the National Post:
"TD Bank issued a new report on Tuesday, Income and Income Inequality: A Tale of Two Countries, that either said income inequality in Canada is not as big a deal as it’s made out to be, or that it’s significantly worse than the bank expected."
So which is it? When looking at income inequality, I like to look at long data sets.
If we look at the top 1% income earners in Canada, we see more inequality. The top 1% income share is now at a value comparable to what it was in the 1930s.
The Pareto-Lorenz coefficient for Canada is now at a value similar to what it was in the 1930s. For those not specializing in income inequality, higher values of the coefficient represent more income equality, Low coefficient values represent less income equality. Notice, that of the countries shown in the chart, income inequality has fluctuated the least in Germany.
Based on these two charts, income inequality in Canada has been getting worse since the late 1970s.
From the National Post:
"TD Bank issued a new report on Tuesday, Income and Income Inequality: A Tale of Two Countries, that either said income inequality in Canada is not as big a deal as it’s made out to be, or that it’s significantly worse than the bank expected."
So which is it? When looking at income inequality, I like to look at long data sets.
If we look at the top 1% income earners in Canada, we see more inequality. The top 1% income share is now at a value comparable to what it was in the 1930s.
The Pareto-Lorenz coefficient for Canada is now at a value similar to what it was in the 1930s. For those not specializing in income inequality, higher values of the coefficient represent more income equality, Low coefficient values represent less income equality. Notice, that of the countries shown in the chart, income inequality has fluctuated the least in Germany.
Based on these two charts, income inequality in Canada has been getting worse since the late 1970s.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
US Taxes and the 1%
US policy makers are currently wrestling with the Fiscal Cliff (and here). The correct prescription is to raise taxes and cut government spending. Cutting government spending doesn't seem to be the problem. Raising taxes is. In the US, low income tax rates have become something that is taken for granted. This was not always the case.
Notice that during the depths of the Great Recession, tax rates actually rose. In the early 1960s, tax rates began to fall, from a high of 91% to low of 28% in the early 1990s. From an historical perspective, today's personal income tax rates are low.
Not surprisingly, the top 1% income earners have benefited from this trend in lower income taxes. Today, the top 1% share of income is similar to what it was back in the 1930s.
Low personal income tax rates have created two problems. First, the US has lost a much needed source of government revenue. Reducing government budget deficits and reducing the national debt require more tax collection.Compared to other developed economies, the US is a tax laggard. As this chart from a recent Foreign Affairs article shows, US tax revenue as a percentage of GDP is among the lowest in the OECD.
Second, low tax rates are contributing to income inequality. By some measures, the US now has a more unequal distribution of income than at any time in the past 300 years (see here). Low tax rates and income inequality are likely to create even more problems in the future.
Some economists argue that income inequality is not much of a problem so long as the rich get richer and the poor get richer. This is the view that the Fed Chairman seems to share. After all, if a rising tide lifts all boats, then why worry. This view is not shared by all and in the 2009 best selling book The Spirit Level, the authors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett make a good case for how income inequity can actually make everyone worse off.
The map and quote (below) are from The Atlantic. The Gini coefficient measures a country's income equality on a scale of 0 ( total equality) to 1 (total inequality - one person has all of the wealth).
"The U.S., in purple with a Gini coefficient of 0.450, ranks near the extreme end of the inequality scale. Looking for the other countries marked in purple gives you a quick sense of countries with comparable income inequality, and it's an unflattering list: Cameroon, Madagascar, Rwanda, Uganda, Ecuador. A number are currently embroiled in or just emerging from deeply destabilizing conflicts, some of them linked to income inequality: Mexico, Côte d'Ivoire, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Serbia."
Notice that during the depths of the Great Recession, tax rates actually rose. In the early 1960s, tax rates began to fall, from a high of 91% to low of 28% in the early 1990s. From an historical perspective, today's personal income tax rates are low.
Not surprisingly, the top 1% income earners have benefited from this trend in lower income taxes. Today, the top 1% share of income is similar to what it was back in the 1930s.
Low personal income tax rates have created two problems. First, the US has lost a much needed source of government revenue. Reducing government budget deficits and reducing the national debt require more tax collection.Compared to other developed economies, the US is a tax laggard. As this chart from a recent Foreign Affairs article shows, US tax revenue as a percentage of GDP is among the lowest in the OECD.
Second, low tax rates are contributing to income inequality. By some measures, the US now has a more unequal distribution of income than at any time in the past 300 years (see here). Low tax rates and income inequality are likely to create even more problems in the future.
Some economists argue that income inequality is not much of a problem so long as the rich get richer and the poor get richer. This is the view that the Fed Chairman seems to share. After all, if a rising tide lifts all boats, then why worry. This view is not shared by all and in the 2009 best selling book The Spirit Level, the authors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett make a good case for how income inequity can actually make everyone worse off.
The map and quote (below) are from The Atlantic. The Gini coefficient measures a country's income equality on a scale of 0 ( total equality) to 1 (total inequality - one person has all of the wealth).
"The U.S., in purple with a Gini coefficient of 0.450, ranks near the extreme end of the inequality scale. Looking for the other countries marked in purple gives you a quick sense of countries with comparable income inequality, and it's an unflattering list: Cameroon, Madagascar, Rwanda, Uganda, Ecuador. A number are currently embroiled in or just emerging from deeply destabilizing conflicts, some of them linked to income inequality: Mexico, Côte d'Ivoire, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Serbia."
Thursday, 6 December 2012
A Shake Up at CP
Canadian Pacific (CP) railroad recently announced substantial job cuts. The plan is for a one quarter cut in its work force by 2016.The job cuts will be achieved through attrition and not filling jobs when people quit or retire. CP has been the subject of much discussion lately with claims that the company is inefficient.
From the CBC:
"The strategic moves are the latest for the railway since a new board of directors installed CEO Hunter Harrison in the summer following a bitter proxy fight with the company's largest shareholder."
CP can be compared with its competitors to see how efficient it is. To calculate technical efficiency I use data envelope analysis (DEA). DEA is a non-parametric approach to the estimation of production functions. I use three inputs (employees, total assets, total operating costs) and one output (total revenues). Data are averages over the years 2005 - 2011. For those interested in the technical details, I use the 2 stage input approach with variable returns to scale (VRS).
From the CBC:
"The strategic moves are the latest for the railway since a new board of directors installed CEO Hunter Harrison in the summer following a bitter proxy fight with the company's largest shareholder."
CP can be compared with its competitors to see how efficient it is. To calculate technical efficiency I use data envelope analysis (DEA). DEA is a non-parametric approach to the estimation of production functions. I use three inputs (employees, total assets, total operating costs) and one output (total revenues). Data are averages over the years 2005 - 2011. For those interested in the technical details, I use the 2 stage input approach with variable returns to scale (VRS).
The DEA results are presented in the above table. Total
technical efficiency (CRS_TE) can be broken down into pure technical
(VRS_TE) and a scale effect. The total technical efficiency measures
that only Canadian National and Union Pacific are efficient since their
CRS_TE measure are equal to one. The other companies are inefficient. CP for
example, can reduce its inputs by 6% and still produce the same output.
Kansas City Southern in even more inefficient because it can reduce its inputs by 10% and produce the same output. In the
case of Kansas City Southern, the pure technical efficiency measure of 1 indicates that
allocation of inputs to output is efficient and the inefficiencies are
coming from the scale effect
which measures the size of the company. Four companies have increasing returns to scale (IRS). CP suffers from a technical efficiency effect and a scale effect. CP needs to get bigger and use its inputs more efficiently. CP's recent announcement on job cuts is a move in the right direction.
CP's share price suffered through 2011, but has recovered nicely since this summer when new management took over.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
More on Rising Sea Levels
Continuing from my previous post, here is another great website to visit to learn about the effects of rising sea levels.These flood maps from fire tree let the user roam the globe and see the effects of rising sea levels on different countries. Thanks to Arijit for informing me about this website.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Rising Sea Levels
Here is a really useful infographic from the New York Times showing the effect of rising sea levels on US coastal communities. With even moderate rises in sea level, Miami, Galveston and New Orleans get hit hard. Also notice how vulnerable a number of important airports are to flooding.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Sheldon's T-Shirts on The Big Bang Theory
I am a big fan of the TV show The Big Bang Theory. This graphic is so interesting that I just had to post it. Thanks to the folks at Cool Infographics. Check out this link for the full details on data collection and interpretations.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
A Sovereign Wealth Fund for Canada
The Canadian International Council has recently released a new report entitled “Nine Habits of Highly Effective Resource Economies.” (see here for the report). According to the report, Canada is flush with valuable natural resources but lacks the capabilities and foresight to exploit these natural resources in a sustained value enhancing manner that will create long term growth and prosperity for Canadians. Canada's exploitation of natural resources can be nicely categorized as "rip and ship".
The details of the nine habits are in the report, but here is a listing of the nine habits.
Foreign ownership of Canada's natural resources is one area that is particularly worrisome. In general, Canadian natural resource companies grow to a reasonably large size and, rather than striving to become global leaders, choose instead to sell out to a foreign competitor. A recent example of the sell to foreigners approach is China’s state-owned CNOOC Ltd.$15-billion bid for Calgary-based oil producer Nexen Inc.
For a country that has a lot of natural resources, Canadian resource companies are not prominently listed among the world's biggest resource companies. Canada is the world’s top producer of potash and titanium and ranks among the top 10 producers of forest products, uranium, aluminum, natural gas, sulphur, tungsten, diamonds, asbestos, nickel, platinum, crude oil, molybdenum, zinc, and gold. With such an impressive production record, one would expect Canadian natural resource companies to rank among the biggest in the world. Potash is the world's largest potash company, but most Canadian resource companies do not rank among the global giants.
Foreign ownership is particularly evident in the Alberta tar sands where by some estimates more than two-thirds of all tar sands production in Canada is owned by foreign entities (see here). This sends a majority of the profits from oil produced from the tar sands outside of Canada. So, Canada needs a different approach if it is going to benefit from its natural resource wealth.
A sovereign wealth fund (SWF) is one approach that Canada can expand upon. After all, Alberta has the Heritage Fund, so why not create a natural resource based sovereign wealth fund for Canada as a whole.
Here is a ranking of the world's top sovereign wealth funds. The Alberta Heritage Fund ranks 29th. Notice that Alberta's fund was started in 1976, the same year that Alaska started theirs. The Alaska fund is, however, 3 times larger than Alberta's. Australia started their fund in 2006, and look at how much money it already has. When compared against other SWFs, the Alberta Heritage Fund doesn't seem to be doing so well. A recent Toronto Star article on Norway points out that at least from Norway's perspective, Canada is a nice place with lots of natural resources, but badly managed.
Data sourced from Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute
The current situation in Canada can be described as too much foreign ownership and too low of a tax base for Canada to effectively generate wealth from its natural resources. This makes Canadian natural resources vulnerable to international rent seekers.
So what is Norway doing so well?
Norway's SWF was setup in 1990 and currently has slightly over $650 billion dollars. The fund is on track to amass $1 trillion by the end of this decade. The fund is an excellent case study on portfolio investing (see here). Norway faced foreign ownership problems in the oil business as well but they responded with a 90% marginal tax and focused on training their own citizens to be the primary source of employment in the oil and gas sector. In comparison, Alberta has a miniscule 10% royalty tax and companies working in Alberta outsource as much capital and labour as they can with the predictable result that Alberta is earning a fraction of what it should be from its valuable natural resource base. Norway is also not afraid of starring down carbon nay-Sayers. Norway recently announced that it would increase its current carbon tax on offshore oil companies by £21 to £45 per tonne of carbon. Norway also has a carbon tax imposed on the fishing industry.
Perhaps Canada needs to re-think the concept of a state owned oil company.
The details of the nine habits are in the report, but here is a listing of the nine habits.
Foreign ownership of Canada's natural resources is one area that is particularly worrisome. In general, Canadian natural resource companies grow to a reasonably large size and, rather than striving to become global leaders, choose instead to sell out to a foreign competitor. A recent example of the sell to foreigners approach is China’s state-owned CNOOC Ltd.$15-billion bid for Calgary-based oil producer Nexen Inc.
For a country that has a lot of natural resources, Canadian resource companies are not prominently listed among the world's biggest resource companies. Canada is the world’s top producer of potash and titanium and ranks among the top 10 producers of forest products, uranium, aluminum, natural gas, sulphur, tungsten, diamonds, asbestos, nickel, platinum, crude oil, molybdenum, zinc, and gold. With such an impressive production record, one would expect Canadian natural resource companies to rank among the biggest in the world. Potash is the world's largest potash company, but most Canadian resource companies do not rank among the global giants.
Foreign ownership is particularly evident in the Alberta tar sands where by some estimates more than two-thirds of all tar sands production in Canada is owned by foreign entities (see here). This sends a majority of the profits from oil produced from the tar sands outside of Canada. So, Canada needs a different approach if it is going to benefit from its natural resource wealth.
A sovereign wealth fund (SWF) is one approach that Canada can expand upon. After all, Alberta has the Heritage Fund, so why not create a natural resource based sovereign wealth fund for Canada as a whole.
Here is a ranking of the world's top sovereign wealth funds. The Alberta Heritage Fund ranks 29th. Notice that Alberta's fund was started in 1976, the same year that Alaska started theirs. The Alaska fund is, however, 3 times larger than Alberta's. Australia started their fund in 2006, and look at how much money it already has. When compared against other SWFs, the Alberta Heritage Fund doesn't seem to be doing so well. A recent Toronto Star article on Norway points out that at least from Norway's perspective, Canada is a nice place with lots of natural resources, but badly managed.
Data sourced from Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute
The current situation in Canada can be described as too much foreign ownership and too low of a tax base for Canada to effectively generate wealth from its natural resources. This makes Canadian natural resources vulnerable to international rent seekers.
So what is Norway doing so well?
Norway's SWF was setup in 1990 and currently has slightly over $650 billion dollars. The fund is on track to amass $1 trillion by the end of this decade. The fund is an excellent case study on portfolio investing (see here). Norway faced foreign ownership problems in the oil business as well but they responded with a 90% marginal tax and focused on training their own citizens to be the primary source of employment in the oil and gas sector. In comparison, Alberta has a miniscule 10% royalty tax and companies working in Alberta outsource as much capital and labour as they can with the predictable result that Alberta is earning a fraction of what it should be from its valuable natural resource base. Norway is also not afraid of starring down carbon nay-Sayers. Norway recently announced that it would increase its current carbon tax on offshore oil companies by £21 to £45 per tonne of carbon. Norway also has a carbon tax imposed on the fishing industry.
Perhaps Canada needs to re-think the concept of a state owned oil company.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Retail Sales and Financial Markets
According to data from the National Retail Federation, the US Black Friday weekend was a record breaker. A record 247 million shoppers visited retail stores over the
Black Friday weekend, a 9.3% increase over last year’s 226 million. The average
holiday shopper spent $423 which was higher than the $398 spent
last year. Total spending is estimated at a whopping $59.1 billion.
Very good numbers to be sure, and possibly strong enough overall sales to help some struggling retailers like Best Buy (BBY). Retail sales are not, however, very useful for predicting the future. The important point to remember is that retail sales are not a leading economic indicator but a coincident indicator. Retail sales tend to peak and trough in line with other economic indicators like GDP or industrial production. Coincident indicators are useful for telling us something about where the economy is, not where it is going. The chart below shows how retail sales have closely matched the S&P 500.There are no obvious examples of retail sales leading the S&P 500 and, therefore, retail sales may not be very useful in helping to forecast financial markets.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Business Investment as a Leading Indicator of Employment
For a slightly more optimistic perspective on the US economy and financial markets, here is a chart showing how US business investment and US employment have performed over the past ten years.
Notice how business investment tends to peak and trough before employment. This chart indicates that business investment may be a useful leading indicator of employment. For a closer analysis, I downloaded the data and constructed a relatively simple autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model with 2 lags on each of investment and employment. For modelling purposes I took the natural logarithm of each variable. The resulting regression output looks like this:
Tests on the residuals and squared residuals indicate that serial correlation is not a problem. Since the variables are measured in natural logarithms, the coefficient estimates can be interpreted as elasticities. The short-run elasticity of employment with respect to business investment is 0.053% while the long-run elasticity is 0.160%. In the short-run, a 1% increase in business investment increases employment by 0.053%, while in the long-run, a 1% increase in business investment increases employment by 0.160%.
Here is a plot of the fitted values and residuals. Notice how closely the fitted values track the actual values.
Since business investment is currently trending upwards, this indicates higher employment (and hopefully lower unemployment) which is good for the economy and financial markets.
Notice how business investment tends to peak and trough before employment. This chart indicates that business investment may be a useful leading indicator of employment. For a closer analysis, I downloaded the data and constructed a relatively simple autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model with 2 lags on each of investment and employment. For modelling purposes I took the natural logarithm of each variable. The resulting regression output looks like this:
Tests on the residuals and squared residuals indicate that serial correlation is not a problem. Since the variables are measured in natural logarithms, the coefficient estimates can be interpreted as elasticities. The short-run elasticity of employment with respect to business investment is 0.053% while the long-run elasticity is 0.160%. In the short-run, a 1% increase in business investment increases employment by 0.053%, while in the long-run, a 1% increase in business investment increases employment by 0.160%.
Here is a plot of the fitted values and residuals. Notice how closely the fitted values track the actual values.
Since business investment is currently trending upwards, this indicates higher employment (and hopefully lower unemployment) which is good for the economy and financial markets.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
HP Needs a New Way
I have a particular fondness for HP because I remember reading "The HP Way" when it first came out in 1995. The book
is written by David Packard and tells the story of HP from the
beginning. In the book Packard explains that he is not a big fan of the
MBA degree but is more interested in the MBWA (Management By Walking Around).
HP's success was built on excellent products, technological innovation, knowing the customers, and
adapting to change.After reading the book, I though, "wow! what an
amazing company". HP was admired by many people and many business cases
were written about it. HP is after all, credited as the founder of
Silicon Valley.
In the 2000s HP pursued an aggressive expansion strategy that involved buying big companies (the merger with Compaq in 2002, the acquisition of EDS in 2008, the acquisition of 3Com in 2009 and the buyout of Palm in 2010). With this many big deals in such a relatively short period of time, critics wondered where the synergies were coming from. Along the way, HP had a number of product issues and accounting issues.
Now the company is in a death spiral. The stock is now trading at a 10 year low after recently announcing a $8.8 billion write-down and poor quarterly results (see here). HP is reeling from its $11 billion purchase of Autonomy. This was a move designed to help HP move farther into software and services (something that IBM has successfully done).
Over the past 2 years HP is down almost 70%. DELL has also had a difficult past 2 years, while MSFT is holding steady.

In the 2000s HP pursued an aggressive expansion strategy that involved buying big companies (the merger with Compaq in 2002, the acquisition of EDS in 2008, the acquisition of 3Com in 2009 and the buyout of Palm in 2010). With this many big deals in such a relatively short period of time, critics wondered where the synergies were coming from. Along the way, HP had a number of product issues and accounting issues.
Now the company is in a death spiral. The stock is now trading at a 10 year low after recently announcing a $8.8 billion write-down and poor quarterly results (see here). HP is reeling from its $11 billion purchase of Autonomy. This was a move designed to help HP move farther into software and services (something that IBM has successfully done).
Over the past 2 years HP is down almost 70%. DELL has also had a difficult past 2 years, while MSFT is holding steady.
HP can be compared with its competitors to see how efficient
it is. To calculate technical efficiency I use data envelope analysis
(DEA). DEA is a non-parametric approach to the estimation of production
functions. I use three inputs (employees, total assets, total operating costs)
and one output (total revenues). Data are averages over the years 2004 - 2011. For
those interested in the technical details, I use the 2 stage input approach
with variable returns to scale (VRS).
The DEA results are presented in the above table. Total
technical efficiency (CRS_TE) can be broken down into pure technical efficiency
(VRS_TE) and a scale effect. The total technical efficiency measures indicate
that Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Accenture are efficient since their
CRS_TE measures are equal to one. Cisco and HP are inefficient. HP. for
example, can reduce its inputs by 1% and still produce the same output. In the
case of HP, the pure technical efficiency measure of 1 indicates that allocation of inputs to output is efficient and the inefficiencies are coming from the scale effect
which measures the size of the company. HP exhibits decreasing returns to scale
(RTS) which means that given its production possibility frontier it is
producing too much output. Value creation under decreasing returns to scale is difficult because decreasing returns to scale means that HP needs to get smaller.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
An Update on Canada's Broadband Performance
Here is an update to my previous post on broadband performance. Average broadband download speed in Canada has improved 50% from last year. This data is current through October 2012.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
How Efficient is Reseach in Motion?
Watching Research in Motion's (RIMM) stock price fall over the past few years has been difficult. While RIMM gets singled out for its poor stock price performance and Apple becomes the most valuable company in the world by stock market capitalization, it is important to point out that some of RIMM's competitors have not been doing so well. Over the past year, Apple has been the clear winner, but Ericson, Nokia and Research in Motion have each underperformed.
One thing to remember about companies based on cutting edge technologies is that no company can be the leader forever. The product landscape changes. What is new today becomes common place in the future. Think about the cutting edge technology companies of 15 years ago (Microsoft, Cisco, Dell). These companies are still in business but now they are no longer considered young dynamic upstarts but rather established mature companies. In my view, handset makers are entering a more mature phase in which the explosive growth in hand sets is going to slow considerably. A new United Nations report reveals that there are now 6 billion cellphone users in the world. That means that 86 out of every 100 people now have a cellphone.
A different way to compare RIMM with its competitors is to calculate how efficient it is. To calculate technical efficiency I use data envelope analysis (DEA). DEA is a non-parametric approach to the estimation of production functions. I use three inputs (employees, total assets, total operating costs) and one output (total revenues). Data are for the year 2011. Samsung is omitted from the comparison because it is a huge multi-product conglomerate. For those interested in the technical details, I use the 2 stage input approach with variable returns to scale (VRS).
One thing to remember about companies based on cutting edge technologies is that no company can be the leader forever. The product landscape changes. What is new today becomes common place in the future. Think about the cutting edge technology companies of 15 years ago (Microsoft, Cisco, Dell). These companies are still in business but now they are no longer considered young dynamic upstarts but rather established mature companies. In my view, handset makers are entering a more mature phase in which the explosive growth in hand sets is going to slow considerably. A new United Nations report reveals that there are now 6 billion cellphone users in the world. That means that 86 out of every 100 people now have a cellphone.
A different way to compare RIMM with its competitors is to calculate how efficient it is. To calculate technical efficiency I use data envelope analysis (DEA). DEA is a non-parametric approach to the estimation of production functions. I use three inputs (employees, total assets, total operating costs) and one output (total revenues). Data are for the year 2011. Samsung is omitted from the comparison because it is a huge multi-product conglomerate. For those interested in the technical details, I use the 2 stage input approach with variable returns to scale (VRS).
The DEA results are presented in the above table. Total technical efficiency (CRS_TE) can be broken down into
pure technical efficiency (VRS_TE) and a
scale effect. The total technical efficiency measures indicate that Apple,
Google and Research in Motion are efficient since their CRS_TE measures are
equal to one. Ericsson, Motorola are Nokia are inefficient. Nokia. for example, can reduce
its inputs by 29% and still produce the same output. In the case of Motorola,
the pure technical efficiency measure of 1 indicates that management is efficient and
the inefficiencies are coming from the scale effect which measures the size of
the company.
So, while Research in Motion's stock price has suffered over the past year, it is, at least by these calculations, an efficient company.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Prediciting US Presidential Elections
President Obama was re-elected as President of the United States and for some market watchers, this was not a surprise given that the stock market rose in the two months prior to the election. According to InvestTech Research the stock market is the most reliable indicator of who will win the presidency. InvestTech Research tested the hypothesis over the past 100 years that if the stock market gains in the two months leading up to the
presidential election, the incumbent party wins. If the market falls,
the incumbent party loses.
"In the 16 elections when the stock market climbed before Election Day, the incumbent party was re-elected 15 of 16 times. And, in the 12 election years when the stock market suffered losses, the incumbent party lost 10 of 12 elections."
The stock market accurately predicted the next president 25 out of 28 times. This corresponds to a 89.2% probability of success. The three years that the stock market failed to accurately predict the outcome of the election were 1956, 1968, and 2004.
With last nights election over, the numbers can be updated. To date the stock market has accurately predicted the next president 26 out of 29 times.
"In the 16 elections when the stock market climbed before Election Day, the incumbent party was re-elected 15 of 16 times. And, in the 12 election years when the stock market suffered losses, the incumbent party lost 10 of 12 elections."
The stock market accurately predicted the next president 25 out of 28 times. This corresponds to a 89.2% probability of success. The three years that the stock market failed to accurately predict the outcome of the election were 1956, 1968, and 2004.
With last nights election over, the numbers can be updated. To date the stock market has accurately predicted the next president 26 out of 29 times.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Hurricane Sandy and Cat Bonds
In BSUS 6600 I spend some time talking about the role of catastrophic bonds in managing severe weather disturbances. Cat bonds are potentially an important way to diversify weather related risk. Unlike weather derivatives, that are traded on exchanges, cat bonds are non-traded insurance linked securities. Cat bonds are structured in such a way that insurance payouts are rare. Here is an update of what effect Hurricane Sandy may have on cat bonds.
For those interested in following the cat bond market, Artemis is a useful blog.
For those interested in following the cat bond market, Artemis is a useful blog.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Canada's Productivity
There is always lots of discussion about how Canada’s
productivity lags other developed economies. Sometimes this criticism is
warranted, other times it is not. In order to get a better idea of how Canada’s
productivity has changed over the past 20 years I compared Canada with the
other G7 countries.
An aggregate production function is specified with three
inputs: capital, labour and energy. Output is measured by GDP (constant 2000
US$), capital is measured by gross fixed capital formation (constant 2000 US$),
labour is measured by the number of people in the labour force, and energy is
measured by energy use (kt of oil equivalent). The data set covers the period
1990 to 2010. All data are from the World Bank online data base. Data envelope
analysis is used to estimate the efficient frontier and Malmquist total factor productivity
(TFP) indices. Malmquist index values greater than one indicate a productivity improvement.
The chart shows total factor productivity (TFP) for the G7 (average
across countries) for each year. Between 1993 and 1998, TFP was trending
downwards. During this time period there was lots of discussion about how
information technology was re-shaping our lives, and presumably making us
more productive, but the effect was not
showing up in the productivity numbers. Productivity recovered somewhat during
the early 2000s. Between 2006 and 2009 there was a big increase in TFP but this
increase was lost in the face of the Great Recession. For the sample period as
a whole, however, TFP is around 1 which indicates no increase in productivity over
this 20 year period. This is not good for economic wealth creation.
Looking at the individual country performance shows Canada
to be the laggard in TFP (but not by much). Canada was ranked last in 9 out of the 20
years studied. Canada’s average value for the Malmquist index was slightly
below 1 indicating, on average, a slight drop in productivity. For the other G7
countries, the average value was 1 or greater, but overall, none of these
countries showed much in the way of productivity growth. What is interesting
about this table is that, while Canada might be expected to be the laggard,
some other countries would be expected to be leaders. This does not appear to
have happened.
Either the message on the importance of productivity isn’t
getting through to business, or not enough high value jobs are being created, or
high value workers are not getting paid their marginal productivity of labour. Moving
forward, productivity growth needs to increase if we are to enjoy high living
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